Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Make. It. Stop.

People who don't have chemical sensitivities can still relate to this - painting in an enclosed space is foul, whether you've been exposed to mold or not.

But my reaction seems to be extreme. My ears hurt. My chest is tight - almost like my lungs are crackly. That probably doesn't make any sense. And my head is spinning.

Why? Some jerk face is painting in the office this morning. We don't have windows that open. The acupuncture continues to help with stuff like my energy levels... I'm like a new human being for the most part. But then stuff like this happens and reminds me just how far I have to go. Bleh.


  1. Keep your head up. We can always have him killed.

  2. Hmm... I think I'm too tired to be violent. Let's give the acupuncture a little longer to help. ;)
