Saturday, November 26, 2011

Here we go again...

If you've been following along since the beginning, you know there were a few different levels of our exposure - my symptoms being the most widespread, but our son's being just as troubling with an unidentified cough that didn't go away with any treatment for months (until we moved).

Now the hubby, out of nowhere, developed a cough this fall that won't go away, despite treatment with cough medicine, steroids, an asthma inhaler or antibiotics. Sound familiar? I thought so too.

We've been trying to figure out what on earth would cause a sudden chronic cough in the one member of our family that has been relatively healthy all along. Suddenly it hit me... the hubby, who works in education, changed school districts this fall. He's been in a new environment. What if one of his schools has a mold problem? How would we know?

I asked him (without telling him why) whether he feels like his cough is better or worse at home or at school. He told me it's always worse at school.

Now it gets more complicated - he used to be a classroom teacher, but is now working as a district-level employee, assigned to a couple of different schools and the district office, so how do we know (if it's mold) where the mold is? And since it's not our property, how do we go about getting testing done to find out? Will the school district play ball?

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